Saturday, September 5, 2009

A patch of my favorites.

Friday, September 4, 2009

Ley Lines - feel the vibe.  Meridians of Mother Earth.
This is my idea of what ley lines spiraling through San Diego could look like.  Would make a fantastic ferris wheel at least.  
I fly in my dreams and in the afterlife I hope to fly all over the world.  Probably a couple of times because the views are always different whether you are coming or going.  Not to mention seasons and time of day.  SD does not always look so pretty - but come sundown it pretty much looks fabulous.

Thursday, September 3, 2009

This is a business card I designed for my Dad.  We had a good laugh when we realized there was no room for a name or contact info for people who would want his services.  He really did do an exorcism once for an Indian tribe in the Valley and twas reported a success.  
He died on Christmas Day last year and my friend Ann says that everyone who dies on that day goes straight to heaven - cut right to the front of the line.  This photo represents one of his earlier careers as a life guard.  One of my fondest memories as a kid was watching him swing out on a rope over the Trinity River, twisting his body into an upside down position at the furthest reaches of the pendulum and then letting go - doing a perfect swan dive into the very deepest end.  Like he'd done it a thousand times.  I hope he's swan diving all over heaven and impressing the hell out of all the occupants.   

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Plaza de Toros de Guadalupe is an actual bull ring I found next to a winery east of Ensenada.  I lived with it for many years before adding the toy bullfighters (a gift from David Baze) and shots of tequilla.  I simply turned it into a serving tray.  The raining roses are for the Virgin.  She gives her blessings to clean hearted fun.  Salud!
Weekend at Casa Del Zorro in Borrego Springs.  It's simple, it's hot but it's quiet, swimming pools every where and at night The Milky Way for those of you who forgot we even had one.  From horizon to horizon a blaze of stars that almost throws you off balance.  Sometimes it's nice to get disoriented.  Then get grounded again.  Dish up another plate of chips and salsa.
Romancing the Spa - a series of 5 x 5's that illustrate the desert life with palms, pools, cocktails and cockaroos. Mariachies are a nice touch and an outdoor tub is loads of fun.  Jello shooters, mellons, ice cream sundays, and diving boards.  Mix it all up and you have happiness ala fresca gorgeoso.  
You can say things like that if you're a gringa.  It's kind of expected.  
San Diego is a desert after all.  The water is imported to feed the trees.  Half the county is sand with gila monsters, scorpions and Boarder Patrol Helicopters.  Nobody is going to Tijuana anymore.  You can see the lights from my roof top and on occasion an accordion playing off in the distance.  A fiesta somewhere. A beer guzzling get down celebration of life cause it's too short not to.
Living on a fault line - the big red one on the right in a barrio considered by Real Estate Agents to be tainted.  Seven minutes out of downtown, canyon views, large pepper trees.  One badly scorched.  It's been a piece of heaven for 22 years.  
Being Cancerian I'm like a crab stepping sideways, wedging into the rocks, hanging on when the tides are high, watching the world go by.  A change of scenery might do me good.  Better yet - a brilliant contract, or a vision supernatural, a visitation, a winning set of numbers, a brilliant roll in the hay, a fountain of youth, a rain of frogs, a shooting star, a gut wrenching laugh, an invitation, an apology, a tender kiss goodnight.  
Focus on the beautiful in a world that not always is.  A storm is making its way up the Sea of Cortez and will be the balm that calms the raging flames of LA.  
A lovely book NOVEMBER GRASS eloquently portrays the east county of San Diego after a long summer and rainless skies.  A young girl herds her cattle further afield along the dusty roads and Oaks.  She knows them all by name and although she is grown she cannot imagine ever leaving.  Not for love of a man as love for stones and trees and familiar paths could ever be left behind until she finds that it can.

Sunday, August 30, 2009

I am under attack by two less than 10 year olds that live next door.  The other day as I was pulling weeds in my back garden they started saying really mean things and when they started throwing rocks at my house I put my foot down.  Tonight I came home to evidence of a fire.  It's just my back fence and their shed that burned to the ground but it could have been the entire block.  This is fire season in southern California and I am so ready to drag their shitty little asses out of bed and play a video of burn victims and homes lost and displaced families camping out  and then throw buckets of water at their faces.  Hello - arsonists in training.  I'd put them in jail in a heart beat if I could.   Are parents liable for criminal acts of children?  Have the flood gates of insanity been  let loose in my neighborhood?  
Not all is enchanting in Encanto this summers evening.