Saturday, October 17, 2009

This is our spot on the Trinity.  Every year the high waters rearranged
 the sand bars and the configuration was entirely new.  The diving rock on the right burned hot in the summer sun.  Excellent for roasting your bones if you stayed in the cool water too long.  You can barely see it but there are stones below the surface maybe 10 to 12 feet down.   Diving for white rocks was a common game and running across the bottom with a big one in your arms another.  
In the late afternoon the breeze whirled slow circles of leaves down the gorge.  Pollywogs could be found in shallow pools and a fresh spring to drink from was nestled in the ferns.  Gramps often left a watermelon there in case we couldn't last to supper.  Of all the things we miss of childhood I am convinced it's unanimous we all miss the Trinity.  Going back individually never quite feels the same as it's the voices of others that makes the place.  
Never a broken bone or terrible fall or near drowning occurred.  Danny sliced his leg once wipping his blade on his leg while cleaning fish.  Standing in the shallows once I got caught in quick sand up to my knees but everyone said it was my imagination.  Gramps handed me the end of his pole and said just lay into it.  Pulled downstream and there was nothing to it. 
And all the while I was having fun I was dreadfully homesick.  I looked south over the mountain and grieved even when I was a young adult.
Rebecca - the youngest and the only one to birth twins.  The last one in our home town and I'm sure that does not sit right with her.  She and mom were very close, seen often cuddling during movies.  It's as if she finally let her guard down and said hell with it, I'm going to enjoy this one.  By then everyone was on their way out putting their energies in other places besides rivalries. 
All loving gestures were keenly observed and precious to me. Watching people kiss is an all time high.  I've heard many people say they don't know it.  Never saw their parents kiss or hug.  Perhaps this could be another coarse for reentry to Earth - Affection 101 - the art of showing people how much you love them.  I suppose it's a learned skill.  All that cuddling  made it an obvious thing to do with her grandson.  Hours and hours of just being close.

Friday, October 16, 2009

Another flip for your viewing pleasure.  
I think the fascination is a right brain left brain synchronization.  Feels Good!
A favorite quote...     "Send me some sample boards in a sort of latte color, but with a bit of ecru or one of each.  Perhaps they should read toward putty, you know, like parchment, but not lineny.  Do not make it too camel or vellum.  Try one in ecru and sand.  While your at it another in sisal or fawn.  Make sure it doesn't go oatmeal, nougat or raw silk.  I hate those colors.  They are so eighties.  Shell, suede or wheat is OK.  Can I get them tomorrow?"
....... Anges Liptak, decorative painter

To celebrate Halloween - introducing Me and My Seven Sisters of Which I Am the 7th.  Special thanks to my friend Kitty of Colorado as she purchased the little characters on Tijuanas Revolucion Blvd on one of our many South of the Boarder Tours.  She knows most of their names and stories by heart - without a chart.  Of coarse I would be the one in the gold glitter gown cause I'm her favorite.  Shadow box compliments of IKEA.

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Sounds like fart soup.

Back Out Research - is it copying or is it sharing?
I should get up and try moving around.  I should make my own dang video.
I should make original art and sell it at interesting prices.
I should be more charming and popular.  I should floss more often.
I should stop bleating about how weird life has become.

It's hard to decide which I like best the image or the sound????
It's decided - the sound - must memorize this song.
It will greatly enhance the road trip of my life.

Firekites - AUTUMN STORY - chalk animation from Lucinda Schreiber on Vimeo.

I am getting all these videos from one blog called ThingsILikeToLookAt.
They're all worthy of sharing.