Wednesday, November 24, 2010

RED SAILS INN on Shelter Island
Just completed yesterday with shots of Sambucco chilled at the bar after loading the equipment.  Great food and patio dining and huge credit to share with my friends who have been looking out for me over the years.  
A chance encounter with Dennis Conner and we will be working together next week on a project at his new gallery at the end of the point.  I said we should do a commemorative mural of The Americas Cup.  He said nobody is interested anymore.  His assistant was polishing up his trophy and I thought I'd really like to find a wall five stories high at least and paint that thing.  Anybody that knows me from school days knows I can do killer chrome.  Is it illegal to post a wanted ad soliciting donations for such a project?  I asked the folks at the Port District if I could hit them up for funding for my brilliant ideas and they said NO.  It's got to be their idea, their organized competition, their jury who trashes 99% of the submittals.  No ART beggars nocking at their illustrious doors.  Think of how beautiful this City could be if I could have my way with it.