Saturday, May 22, 2010

Icelandic volcano effects.  Found on art blog while still in bed on a Saturday after two martinis.  Felt an earthquake about 30 minutes ago.  Found epicenter on line to be Calexico.  Took a quick look at psychic predictions - May is loaded - and June.  Which all led to Bermuda Triangle phenomena, Australian doodlers, crop circles most recent.  All good stuff for avoidance of what I should be doing - painting a utility box out on Shelter Island or just painting in general.  Have not set up my palette in my new digs just yet.  Had a vision of working outside in the orchard ala Van Gogh style.  Really go with the whole insanity  profile.  Told my dinner date last night that I wasn't really suicidal - just at a place where nothing much matters.  Holding out for unique experiences and surprises.  Small pleasures mean a lot.  It's a wonderful world, mysterious in its delivery.  Watching from the sidelines for awhile.