Sunday, July 25, 2010

Keeping my eye on the seasons circles.  
Sculpture building with spare time and farm parts. David Baze liked to quote me - 'Hey, let's go build something'.
This will be the summer I get back into body surfing, reading under beach umbrellas and drawing clusters of people lathered up in oil.  

What I did on my summer holiday.

I traveled 3400 miles and fantasized about painting all the lovely vistas.  I settled for photography and sometimes right out the window.  From dry waves of grain to the tallest trees of the Redwoods, arched bridges over rivers, pebbles in a stream.  My heart leapt at so many visual pleasures.  I dreamt of being Maynards wife, a partner who relishes the details of a landscape, enough to work it out in paint till it's magnificence is caught.  Second to painting is swimming in it.  A book I read years ago - a couple who toured Europe collecting swimming holes, naked of coarse.  So much to take in and so little time.