Saturday, October 17, 2009

Rebecca - the youngest and the only one to birth twins.  The last one in our home town and I'm sure that does not sit right with her.  She and mom were very close, seen often cuddling during movies.  It's as if she finally let her guard down and said hell with it, I'm going to enjoy this one.  By then everyone was on their way out putting their energies in other places besides rivalries. 
All loving gestures were keenly observed and precious to me. Watching people kiss is an all time high.  I've heard many people say they don't know it.  Never saw their parents kiss or hug.  Perhaps this could be another coarse for reentry to Earth - Affection 101 - the art of showing people how much you love them.  I suppose it's a learned skill.  All that cuddling  made it an obvious thing to do with her grandson.  Hours and hours of just being close.