Sunday, August 30, 2009

I am under attack by two less than 10 year olds that live next door.  The other day as I was pulling weeds in my back garden they started saying really mean things and when they started throwing rocks at my house I put my foot down.  Tonight I came home to evidence of a fire.  It's just my back fence and their shed that burned to the ground but it could have been the entire block.  This is fire season in southern California and I am so ready to drag their shitty little asses out of bed and play a video of burn victims and homes lost and displaced families camping out  and then throw buckets of water at their faces.  Hello - arsonists in training.  I'd put them in jail in a heart beat if I could.   Are parents liable for criminal acts of children?  Have the flood gates of insanity been  let loose in my neighborhood?  
Not all is enchanting in Encanto this summers evening.