Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Romancing the Spa - a series of 5 x 5's that illustrate the desert life with palms, pools, cocktails and cockaroos. Mariachies are a nice touch and an outdoor tub is loads of fun.  Jello shooters, mellons, ice cream sundays, and diving boards.  Mix it all up and you have happiness ala fresca gorgeoso.  
You can say things like that if you're a gringa.  It's kind of expected.  
San Diego is a desert after all.  The water is imported to feed the trees.  Half the county is sand with gila monsters, scorpions and Boarder Patrol Helicopters.  Nobody is going to Tijuana anymore.  You can see the lights from my roof top and on occasion an accordion playing off in the distance.  A fiesta somewhere. A beer guzzling get down celebration of life cause it's too short not to.