Saturday, August 7, 2010

I had a dream once that I was vacationing on a space hotel.  I was floating outside painting daisys on the side of the capsule all the while my relief rocket inched its way towards me.  I could see the curve of the earth and the brilliant blues of the seas.  Clouds swirling around and the glow of many sunsets.  Obviously at 455 degrees below zero painting is a dreamers fantasy.  Perhaps in a future life there will be some new fangled way to throw heat onto the subject.
Mars would be fairly tolerable especially if you were raised in Siberia and were use to such extremes.  Forget staying on the moon - colder than dry ice.  Pretty difficult to enjoy a cocktail at the end of the day.
I believe earthlings are a barbaric bunch.  We war and kill, abuse our children, cage our animals, incarcerate way beyond reason, eat crap, throw away our lives in front of TV, hoard too much stuff, think way too much of ourselves, hold grudges, lie, cheat, neglect our elders and lack the ability to keep our big blue home ship shape.  We are coming into a pressure cooker of time in which much is at stake.  Relationships are pushed to a wall, the environment is slimy and clogged, the atmosphere choked with dust and radio waves.  Earth deserves a good shake and purge. 
The aliens are maybe waiting around to inhabit the earth after such a cleansing.   We'll probably be too lazy to figure out how to claim our birthright to earth.  Many will just surrender and get on board some massive people transport devise believing it will take them to a new planet - one that has been nicely preserved only to find they're going to purgatory where it will become the law that ones days will be spent scrubbing and cleaning, offering apologies,  atoning for transgressions.