Sunday, August 8, 2010

Great Art = Genius
Good Art = Near Genius or Near Beer    Talent is not a dependable tool for advancing.  Perseverance beats talent over the long haul.  Flawless creatures would not need to make art: Batman throwing pots, the Madonna painting plein air.
Art has to do with overcoming things.  Making art provides uncomfortably accurate feedback about the gap that exists between what you intended and what you did.  Even failed pieces are essential.  Art transcends what you do and represents what you are.
Troubles - routinely fatal to art making - confront your troubles.  Learn how not to quit.  90% of art majors quit after 5 years.  Fear of what you might be: a hack, a fake, a copiest!  Art is a high calling.  Historically there were robust institutions - church, clan, ritual.  Artists doubted their calling less when working in the service of God.  Today - no one feels shored up.  Artists work in the face of uncertainty - no audience nor reward.  Nourishment comes from the work itself. From Art & Fear - read it.
Basically - we think of a million and one things we need to get done before we allow ourselves the time and space to do the thing we love the most.  When we're old and grey what are the things that we will be most proud of.  A clean sink, organized drawers or a stack of drawings.  Get Going!
Here's to all you folks who are about to launch on their journeys to Burning Man.  Come hell or high water I'm going next year.