Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Working the late night shifts with long lost Jan Ford.  Everything is outlined with a 3/8ths  brush and requires 3 coats.  Each of the five stacked lobbys are visible to the world so we may get invited back to do them all.  Maybe I'll just bring my laser pointer and a beach chair and conduct or spend the day by the pool or catch the hotel shuttle to Disneyland like most of the other guests.  Negotiate a bonus incentive if she nocks it out in a week.  Yeah - that's the ticket.  Actually I wouldn't want to miss out on the testosterone contact high.  Cowboys, Carpenters and Captains - my favorites!
It was a blessing the projector fell while I was maneuvering it around as I'm certain Jan would have crumbled under the stress of it.  Luckily everything is available in the proximity of LA.    Cha-ching! ! !