Friday, November 20, 2009

ODE to Jean Claude -
she died last Wednesday.  Not Nice!
Here I am with my two good buddies in NYC.  We walked the Park at midnight while it was snowing.  Sort of got lost as we realized there were no more street lamps nor Gates and it was very dark and rocky.  We were doing exactly what our parents told us never to do.  All traffic was stopped for the event with only horse and buggies allowed.  I knew JC and Christo were out that night seeing their brilliance in that new light and ambiance.  I received an email later confirming that indeed they were taking it in and appreciated the praises.  The cabies said that the whole city was abuzz with art talk - not such fervor since 9/11 - thus shows you the power of art.
I visited the Umbrella Project years before and never drive that pass without re-seeing it in my minds eye.
My father was considering driving us all up to Marin for the Running Fence - oh how I wish we had done that.