Monday, September 28, 2009

Parts is parts.  Top level 1/86th or so!  This evening as I left the job site in my street clothes the gentleman who works the fuel dock saw me eyeing the project and he said 'would you believe she's done that whole dang thing with a two inch brush - she's amazing'.  I said thank you - I'm that girl!  It's always a little shocking when people see me dressed normally.  
Paul of France once said - Linda 7/8ths, no 24/25ths of the planet would love to have your life.  You live in a beautiful city,  you have great friends, you spend your day doing what you love.  Thus I got hung up on the fractions of things.  
1/3 through maybe - with the mural not my life.  Thats about 1/2 if I make it to 100.  Seems like I've been here a very long time.  I would like to make some knock out paintings before I vacate this planet.  Feels like something just building under the surface and if I don't get it out I'll just start screaming or something equally disorderly.