Friday, September 11, 2009

The crop circles season is over and the thrill of waking up to altered consciousness personified.  The rest of the year will be spent breaking down their essence and understanding their perfect geometry.  Some of the dialog is very esoteric but there are so many links to fascinating concepts not to mention interesting people.  Apparently it's not just the shapes but their specific placements, sequences,  and directional pointings that line up to dramatic effects.  There are those who shudder at the obvious hoaxes - bastardized imitations - and wish for a clear playing field so that who ever and what ever the messages can be more easily deciphered.  We are experiencing larger that life supernatural events - introductions into our psyche that our world is not just what is known.  The vail of the other worldly is opening up and what that will do to alter existence is intriguing to ponder.